About Focus
When it comes to matters re career lawyers remain conscious of dealing with those who have leading industry experience. They’re attuned to the close proximities/sensitivities within the industry. They expect their confidentiality and Privacy will be respected.
This consciousness is more warranted today than ever before with the all-pervasive and invasive nature of the internet and surrendering control and accountability when making direct applications.
With the benefit of 30 years it’s been our experience that lawyers are understandably cautious and tentative about how their CV and career advisory requirements are managed.
Feedback reveals lawyers prefer to consult on career matters with those familiar with the “blood, sweat and tears” which go into becoming a qualified lawyer; understanding the dynamics of a legal practice or in-house Counsel role; genuine empathy; valuable industry insights and market knowledge when it comes to receiving objective third party career advice; along with the associated career planning when making a considered career move.
Lawyers developing or having developed their own specialised skills respect, appreciate and tend to seek out the expertise and experience of other professional advisors.
The services delivered at FOCUS are a direct consequence of advising lawyers on career matters by respecting their confidentiality; being comprehensively across the legal industry market; and providing insightful, objective and expert advice to minimise the significant risks if left to make biased, subjective, sales pressure placement driven or uninformed career decisions.
At FOCUS we’re not sales people; nor a personnel staffing agency; portal managers; faceless internet job providers; job search agents; nor are we CV brokers or CV spammers. There are many self-proclaimed consultants who come and go are ironically job hoppers and in the business of giving career advice. There’s also the factory styled or commoditised approach to legal recruitment where the priority is placing a body in a chair at any cost with no accountability nor care.
Ours is a personalised, professional, proven and accountable service.
At FOCUS we’re lawyers who’ve devoted our careers to helping our fellow lawyers maximise their career potential. We responsibly, carefully and confidentially direct them.
If lawyers don’t regain control and proactively rather than reactively manage their career and receive the benefits of objective and expert advice then who will else is will ?
Lawyers need to be aware of and alert to their career goals, what they need to do to achieve those goals and how long it will take. Life’s short – one’s career window is even shorter. Clients and colleagues remain ever important to legal practice, however so too is one’s career.
Here at FOCUS we’ve remained the reliable, constant, local, trusted and accessible legal career advisory and planning service for Queensland’s lawyers. Feedback from Candidates continually reveals they deal with us because we’re: “Queensland’s legal recruitment experts”. When they’re looking to make a confidential, trustworthy and unbiased career move they speak to us.
A responsibility we respect and welcome from those entrusting us with a career move.
This is a FREE service.
We’ve successfully placed hundreds of lawyers over the years as well as objectively assisting and advising hundreds of others.
FOCUS are committed to being of service as the trusted career advisers and legal recruitment experts for Queensland’s legal profession.
Ian Dhu
Executive Director
FOCUS Legal Recruitment & Executive Search
Ian invites you to contact him directly for a confidential and FREE career consultation on:
Email: ian@focusrecruitment.com.au
Mobile: 0414 328 864